100 days of school calls for dressing up like a 100 year old. Meet “Granny A”

I told my Kindergarten friends that I was Miss A’s granny and they LOVED it. We had so much fun pretending that I was a granny having to hobble around the room all day with my cane.  What a fun day.

As far as instruction went, the class wrote about what they would do with one hundred dollars, what they would wish for if they have one hundred wishes, and what they thought they might look like if they were one hundred years old. When we switched to math instruction, they filled in differentiated boards to write the numerals all the way to one hundred, and they also loved getting to put one hundred stickers on a sheet to make ten groups of ten.

We finished the day getting to make silly hats with ten paper strips hanging up, each with ten bingo dots on them, making one hundred.

I would rate this day 100/100!